Sunday, November 6, 2011

Shadia Mansour and M-1 - The Kufiya is Arab

Shadia Mansour and M-1 - The Kufiya is Arab
 M-1 الكوفية عربية - شادية منصور و
Palestine and the United States
Released on June 30, 2010

Big shout-out to Daydream and VivaPalestina at for the English translation.
Full Arabic and English Lyrics after the jump...

صباح الخير يا ولاد عمومنا
Good morning, cousins.

تفضّلو و شرّفونا
Come and honor us with your presence.

شو بتحبّو منضيّفكن؟ دم عربي ولا دموع من عيونا؟
What would you like us to offer you, Arab blood or tears from our eyes?

بَعتقد هيك تْأمّلو تستقبلوهن هيك تعقّدو لما أدركو غلطهن
I believe that's how they hoped we would greet them. Look how they grew confused when they realized their mistake.

هيك لْبسنا الكوفية البيضاء و السوداء
That's how we wear the kufiya, the black and white kufiya.

صارو يلعبو زمان يلبسوها كموضة
They began playing a long time ago by wearing it as a fashion accessory.

مهما يتفنّنو فيها مهما يغيّرو بلونها  
No matter how creative they become, no matter how they change its color,

كوفية عربية بِتظلّ عربية
an Arab kufiya will remain Arab.

حطتنا بِدهُن إياها ثقافتنا بدهن إياها
Our kufiya: they want it. Our culture: they want it.

كرامتنا بدهن إياها كل شيء اِلْنا بدهن إياه
Our dignity: they want it.  Everything that's ours: they want it.

لا ما راح نسكت لهن نسمح لهن
No, we won't be quiet for them. We won't permit them.

لا لا لبق لي
No, no. It suits me.

يسلمه الشغلة مش اِلْهم ما خسن فيه 
Thank you. The thing isn't theirs. It's got nothing to do with you.

قلّدونا بيلتبسو لبس وهالأض بيكفيهنش
They mimic us in how they dress. This land is not enough for them.

طمعانين على القدس قدس اعرفو كيف تقولو بشر
They're greedy for Jerusalem, Jerusalem. Learn how to say "humanity!"

قبلما تلبسو الكوفية جينا نذكّركُن مين احنا
Before you wear the kufiya, we have come to remind you who we are.

و عصبان عن أبون ها حطتنا
And whether you like it or not, it's our kufiya.

هيك لبسنا الكوفية (لأن وطنية) الكوفية كوفية عربية
This is how we wore the kufiya (because of patriotism), the kufiya, the Arab kufiya.

هيك لبسنا الكوفية هويتنا الأساسية الكوفية كوفية عربية
This is how we wore the kufiya (our fundamental identity), the kufiya, the Arab kufiya.

يلا علو الكوفية علولي هالكوفية الكوفية كوفية عربية
Come on, raise the kufiya (Raise this kufiya for me!), the kufiya, the Arab kufiya.

علوها يا بلاد الشام كوفية عربية بتظلّ عربية
Raise it, bilaad ash-shaam [Greater Syria, i.e. Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Palestine]! The Arab kufiya will remain Arab.

ما في بعض مثل الشعب العربي
There is no group like the Arab people.

فرجوني إي أمّة في الدنيا أكثر مؤثّرة
Show me any nation in the world that's more influential!

الصورة واصحة احنا الحضارة
The picture is clear. We're the civilization.

تاريخنا و تراثنا هي الشاهد على وجودنا
Our history and our heritage are the witness to our existence.

من هيك لْبسنا الثوب الفلسطيني
In this way, we wore the Palestinian thawb.

من حيفا جنين جبل النار إلى رام الله
From Haifa, Jenin, Jabal an-Nar to Ramallah

خلّيني اشوف الكوفية البيضاء والحمراء
Let me see the kufiya, the white and red one.

خلّيني نعليها لفوق بالسماء
Let me raise it up to the sky.

أنا شادية العربية لساني بيغوظ غاظ
I am Shadia the Arab. My tongue stabs like a knife.

زلزالي بهزّ هزّ كلماتي حرف
My earthquake trembles uncontrollably. My words are a letter.

سجّل انا شادية منصور والحطة هويتي
Record it! I am Shadia Mansour and the kufiya is my identity.

من يوم ما خلقت و سيدي والشعب مسؤوليتي
From the day I was created, Sir, and this people is my responsibility.

هيك انا تربّيت بين الشرق والغرب
That's how I was brought up - between the West and East,

بين لغتين بين البخيل و بين الفقير
between two languages, between the [rich] miser and the poor man.

شُفت الحياة من الشكتين
I saw life from both sides.

أنا مثل الكوفية
 I'm like the kufiya.

كيفما لبستوني وينما شلحتوني بظلّ على أصولي فلسطيني
No matter how you wear me, and wherever you take me off, I will remain as my origin: Palestinian.

هيك لبسنا الكوفية (لأن وطنية) الكوفية كوفية عربية
This is how we wore the kufiya (because of patriotism), the kufiya, the Arab kufiya.

هيك لبسنا الكوفية هويتنا الأساسية الكوفية كوفية عربية
This is how we wore the kufiya (our fundamental identity), the kufiya, the Arab kufiya.

يلا علو الكوفية علولي هالكوفية الكوفية كوفية عربية
Come on, raise the kufiya (Raise this kufiya for me!), the kufiya, the Arab kufiya.

علوها يا بلاد الشام كوفية عربية بتظلّ عربية
Raise it, bilaad ash-shaam [Greater Syria, i.e. Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Palestine]! The Arab kufiya will remain Arab.

(M-1 finishes the song with a verse in English)


  1. فرجوني اي أمّة بالدنيا الكثر مؤثرة

    مؤثرة means 'influential' or 'powerful,' not affected. Active, not passive.

  2. سيدي والشعب مسؤوليتي

    سيدي is a common term of endearment for one's grandfather as well as a term of general respect, so that here i think she is saying something to the effect of my ancestors and the people, since grandparents/ancestors are the same.

  3. I'm from Mexico and i really admire all the work in this genre of music, hip hop means popular languages ​​together to counter the hegemonic processes of domination on earth. thanks for the translation y Saludos a la resistencia palestina desde las montañas rebeldes de ChiapaZ ... Li jbalamiltike ja' sna xch'uleltik

  4. I've been dying to see a written, Arabic-English translation of this song. Thank you so much for taking the time.

  5. Our Holy Islam exhibit us lesson of quran reading and kind to each other. Quran is our wonderful and last book of religious Islam. Quran show us to spend our life as demonstrated by Allah,s sales and Muhammad (PBUH), orders. I am doing my dedication to teach the Quran to my Islamic family. We ought to must educate and learn Quran to get a handle on the Islam and Allah and his Last prophet of Allah Muhammad (PBUH).

  6. I am not Muslim but what this song says is true of everyone,every nations.
    Today is the difficult time to us and a certain of people take their hopeless irritation out on those who different from them;
    what skin colours they have,
    what countries they come from,
    what religions they believe,
    what kinds of music they listen...
    From at a nation to a school level,
    trivial matters caused discrimination, persecution and prejudice by the agency of group psychology.
    Because People scare those who are different and see them as 'a group', not as 'individuals'. Unfortunately this is common feeling which anyone can potentially have.
    But we can try to get each other,what happened in our parents generations not to repeat stupid assaults again.
    I want many people to listen to this song and to know countless divisions broken out in the world today.
    If we go on being hate each other,
    who have to pay for it in future would be our next generation as we've done it now.

  7. تحية للكاتب ولكل من أثرى بعقله وقلمه مجرى النقاش. أنا من قراء عبدالله القصيمي المفكر المبدع الذي عانى الأمرين من المتدينين. لكن يا أهل السعودية هناك أمل طالما أن أقلامكم قد وصلت إلى الحوار المتمدن ... متنفس الحرية.
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  9. كثيراً ما يضيّع الإنسان الكثير من وقته في قراءة كتاب غير مفيد، أو قراءة كتاب صعب بينما هناك الأسهل، أو كتاب سطحي بينما هناك الأعمق.
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  10. كثيراً ما يضيّع الإنسان الكثير من وقته في قراءة كتاب غير مفيد، أو قراءة كتاب صعب بينما هناك الأسهل، أو كتاب سطحي بينما هناك الأعمق.
    خبير سيو

    مقابر للبيع
    تحميل واتساب الذهبي
    تحميل واتساب الذهبي
    خبير سيو
    خبير سيو


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  19. سعيد جداً بالمقال الجميل دا
    Very happy with this beautiful article
    خبير سيو
