Salome MC - Drunk Shah, Drunk Elder
شاه سكران، شيخ سكران - آم سي سالومة
سالومه - شاه مست و شیخ مست
Released on April 4, 2012
All Farsi lyrics and the English translation courtesy of Salome MC and Azadi: Songs of Freedom for Iran by United 4 Iran. My translation of the lyrics into Arabic is based on the English translation.
Learn more about Salome here:
Interview with "I Am Hip-Hop," August 27, 2013
"Iran's thriving rap culture," Al-Monitor, January 6, 2014
Salome at Reverbnation
"Iran's thriving rap culture," Al-Monitor, January 6, 2014
Salome at Reverbnation
Full Farsi/Persian lyrics and their Arabic and English translations after the jump...