Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ibn Thabit - Ms. Revolution

Ibn Thabit - Ms. Revolution
 آنسة الثوار - ابن ثابت
Released on June 28, 2011
Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylrZ0JzjQr8
QuickTime version (right-click to download mp3)
Note: this is a rough draft - the lyrics and translation need correction (help welcome!)

*Asterisks highlight words or sections I'm not sure about. Corrections welcome!
Full Arabic and English Lyrics after the jump...

الوحدة للمرأة الليبية
بش العالم كله يعرف قيمتها و شنو قدّمت للثورة
لا ما ننسوكمش

 ربّي يعزّكم الله يحفظكم و يقوّيكم. الله يبارك فيكم

خلّي نبدأ بتحية كبيرة لأمهات الشهداء
اللي دمهم كان ذخيرة الحرية في ـــــــــ

من العجائز للأولاد من التريس للنساء
حاناش نهدروهم كلهم وتظلّ الحياة

على الفكرة لا بدّ نقول كلمة للمجاهدات
اللي أقلّ حاجة داروها رفع المعنويات
ما تنساش نسواننا، الدكاترة والصحفيات
بقعدة جهدهم ثمّ عندهم ــــــــــ
من الصبية بالأشهر الشعب هذا صبّور
ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ و تقول
و شني تقولي انتي للي ماتت في شقتها ــــــ لا تتكلّم
لو كانها عندها ما تقدم بلادنا ما تزيد وما تتقدّم
ماهو هي تساهم في الحوار و هذه تساعد الثوّار
بحيث ينورو العالم ليبيا كلها الأحرار
وأيد واحدة كلنا همّنا موضوعنا
لما نصلّو على الشهيد كلنا بنفس الدموع

Chorus x2
إلى المرأة الليبية ما حد يقدر يعرف جهدك و صبرك
تخذيني بقلبك طول الليل و النهار
نبي نقولك رغم منك ما تبي شيء راني محتار

من الجهد اللي قدّمتي يا آنسة الثوار

لما ــــــ في ثائر بلكي في بالك فدائية
في واحدة اسمها رحمة را قصتها مش عادية
طلعت معنا اليوم مع الثوار في طرابلس
يحكي لي قصّتهَ قال لي قالت له ما تخافش
قاعدة تتطلّع في الأخبار في وسط المظاهرات
استمرّت بها الشكل انقطعت الاتّصالات
تسطع بالقنوات و كلمات صحفيين
والله إلّا متى انتي شرّفت الليبيّين؟
و شجاعة بناتنا الليبيات بشجاعتك
ـــــــ قداش من باب البلاد اللي ــــــــــ
بالله يشفوها هذه مش خايفة من الرصاص
تتكلم بالأطلاق حتى قدّام البصّاص
شادوها حبسوها على خطط تزوير
بعدين تقويها بقدر ربّي و جهد كبير
هذه المرأة الليبية اللي يبي شني تقدر تدير
اللي فعلا يفهم قيمتها؟ والله يحير

Chorus x2 
إلى المرأة الليبية ما حد يقدر يعرف جهدك و صبرك
تخذيني بقلبك طول الليل و النهار
نبي نقولك رغم منك ما تبي شيء راني محتار

من الجهد اللي قدّمتي يا آنسة الثوار

May the Libyan woman have unity
so that whole world may know her value and what she has given to the revolution.
No, we have not forgotten you.
May you be dear to God. May God preserve you and strengthen you. God bless you.

Let me begin with a big greeting to the mothers of the martyrs
whose blood was the ammunition of freedom.
From the elderly to the young, from the men to the women,
I will not neglect them - any of them - for as long as I live.
Come to think of it, I must say a word to the female mujahedin.
Lifting the people's spirits is the least that they've done.
Don't forget our women. Remember the doctors and the journalists among them
for persevering in their struggle, then they have __________.
From the months-old little girl onward, Libyans are a patient people.
The lady prays to the Prophet and she says it.
And what do you say to the woman who died in her apartment without saying anything?
If she didn't give what she gave, our country would never improve or make progress.
Because she participates in the debate and she aids the revolutionaries,
She has enlightened the world and shown that all Libyans are free.
We're united. For all of us, our grief is one concern.
When we pray for the martyrs, we all have the same tears.

To the Libyan woman: no one can know your effort and your patience.
Your heart captivates me all day and all night.
I want to tell you that even though you're so selfless,
I'm amazed by the effort that you've put forth, Ms. Revolution!

I met a revolutionary and he told me, "You might think that she's a warrior!
There's one girl named Rahma and her story is extraordinary.
She hit the streets with us among the revolutionaries of Tripoli."
He told me her story and how she told everyone, "Don't be afraid."
She still watches the news in the midst of the demonstrations.
And she continues to spread the news even while the networks are cut.
She does interviews with satellite channels and inspires journalists' words.
I swear that you will always bring honor to the Libyan people.
And the courage of our Libyan daughters comes from your bravery.
_______ how much from the door of the country _________.
By God, they see how she's not afraid of bullets.
She speaks out bravely even in front of the secret police's spies.
They kidnap her and imprison her as part of their schemes and dirty tricks.
Yet even after that, she is strengthened by the grace of God and by the great struggle.
This Libyan woman - what more could anyone ever want her to do
if he truly understands her value? I swear, it's amazing!

To the Libyan woman: no one can know your effort and your patience.
Your heart captivates me all day and all night.
I want to tell you that even though you're so selfless,
I'm amazed by the effort that you've put forth, Ms. Revolution!